Walk 4: Cocooned vs. Engaged


Walk 4

Cocooned vs. Engaged

Delaware Lacrosse Tournament

                        Cocooned in my hat, sunglasses and ear buds, I felt alone, in my own world.

As I entered the sports complex, I moved through the crowd for an hour without a single interaction.

I even stood by this guy waiting to see if he would say anything. Nothing

After an hour, I removed my cocoon and retraced my steps through the crowd and along the sidelines. 

This time I looked everyone in the eye, it was amazing how much better I felt. People smiled at me, they said hello and asked questions, or simply nodded. I was part of their world and they were part of mine. 

Mapping the Space in terms of Sound and Eye Contact: 



With only sound for company, I isolated myself among the crowd.

This was my playlist that I listened to while cocooned at the field. Interestingly, my mood was the same throughout the hour, no matter what song was playing. Maybe because the songs were the same genre, but more likely because I am steady, and have a consistently chill mood. I felt isolated, but happy. I like being around people, but I am quiet, shy I guess. As the youngest of six kids, and four sisters, I pretty much had to shout and compete to be heard, so I usually just sat back and watched the drama unfold. Mapping this assignment reinforced that I feel comfortable with myself alone or with others. I have never minded eating out or going to a game by myself. Some of my friends always need a crowd, but I am good either way.

This map represents my path throughout the sports complex and the people that I passed while listening to the playlist. Continuing on my loop, with each dot on the map there was zero engagement. 



What a different experience moving through the same space, among the same people. 

This map documents my engagement with others through their comments, questions and gestures. The majority of people were happy to engage, but a few did not respond to my eye contact.


Either way, cocooned or engaged, with or without sound, with or without eye contact, my biggest take away was that my mood remained positive. It did not fluctuate due to isolation or engagement. I think that balance is important in life so there is room for both when moving through spaces. Personally, I find meaning and significance in times when I am lost in a song or have quiet time to contemplate feelings and ideas, but also when I am fully engaged with those around me, both friends and strangers.


  1. I had a hard time thinking of some constructive criticism, this is what I have to say. Since you wrote a reflection/conclusion and guided us through the rest of it, an introduction on what you did and what you'll show the reader would tie it all together nicely.

  2. I really appreciate that you noted all the comments that people made to you during your eye contact. I find it interesting that your mood remained the same throughout; did you find yourself analyzing your emotions in the same way throughout both the walks. I know for me when I walked in my cocoon it was easier to really analyze the way I felt inside myself.

  3. Very detailed walk. I really like how you went about documenting the walk, I think it could be nice to see both the path walked and the various comments you heard, both on the same map.


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